Type Alias DropdownSelectEventDetails

DropdownSelectEventDetails: {
    dropdownMenu: DropdownMenuElement;
    selectedElement: ActiveDropdownMenuItemElement;
    selectedElementOriginal: DropdownMenuItemElement;
    selectedValue?: string;
    triggeringElement: Element;

The "dropdownSelect" event details. See the documentation for each property for further explanation.

Type declaration

  • dropdownMenu: DropdownMenuElement

    The <dropdown-menu> used to create the dropdown menu.

  • selectedElement: ActiveDropdownMenuItemElement

    The <active-dropdown-menu-item> selected.

  • selectedElementOriginal: DropdownMenuItemElement

    The <dropdown-menu-item> used to create the selectedElement.

  • OptionalselectedValue?: string

    The value of the value attribute of the selectedElementOriginal at the time when the menu was opened.

  • triggeringElement: Element

    The linked element which triggered the opening of the menu. This would be the element in which the "click" or "contextmenu" event was listed to.